Welcome teachers! Bienvenue aux professeurs !

The teachers visited the house, at Olympus, and we changed the scenario, in addition to seeing each other in the classrooms daily, we invited the teachers to visit our Boarding House.

We had a great time showing them Olympus, sharing some snacks, and challenging them to a game of pool.

We have been in class for a few weeks now and we already know each other, but now they also know our friends and House Parents personally, so it has been easier to talk about our different goals and how to achieve them with the support of the Boarding House.


Les enseignants ont visité la maison, à Olympus, et nous avons changé le scénario, en plus de nous voir dans les salles de classe tous les jours, nous avons invité les enseignants à visiter notre maison.

Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir à leur montrer Olympus, à partager des snacks et à les mettre au défi de jouer au billard.

Nous sommes en classe depuis quelques semaines et nous nous connaissons déjà, mais maintenant ils connaissent aussi nos amis et nos House Parents personnellement, il est donc plus facile de parler de nos différents objectifs et de la façon de les atteindre avec le soutien de l’internat.


Orientation Mountain Weekend!

Here it is without any doubt, one of our favourite weekends, the Orientation Mountain Weekend, on Friday after school, we took the bus to the Swiss mountains, G9/10 visited the beautiful village of Leysin and G11/12 the fabulous Verbier.

A weekend full of activities in nature, enjoying mountain biking, climbing, mountain biking, mountain biking, nature hikes, etc.

Sunday was a bit quieter, with group activities and an outdoor barbecue.

Back to CDL to rest and start another adventurous week, but this time on Campus. We are looking forward to exploring the Swiss Alps again, hopefully, next time in the snow.


Voici sans aucun doute l’un de nos week-ends préférés, le week-end d’orientation en montagne, le vendredi après l’école, nous avons pris le bus pour les montagnes suisses, le G9/10 a visité le magnifique village de Leysin et le G11/12 la fabuleuse Verbier.

Un week-end plein d’activités dans la nature, avec du VTT, de l’escalade, du VTT, des randonnées dans la nature, etc.

Le dimanche a été un peu plus calme, avec des activités de groupe et un barbecue en plein air.

Retour à CDL pour se reposer et commencer une nouvelle semaine d’aventures, mais cette fois sur le Campus. Nous nous réjouissons d’explorer à nouveau les Alpes suisses, en espérant que la prochaine fois, ce sera dans la neige.


Adventure weekend at olympus

After spending the first few days back to routine, what better than to enjoy a weekend full of energy and adventure, than doing all kinds of activities to test our skills or meet new hobbies.

Here are some pictures of the activities we have chosen for the weekend; paddleboarding, golf, wakeboarding, beach volleyball, tennis, cooking, and climbing.

Which one do you like the most?



Kicking Off a New Year at Olympus!

The Olympus blog is back, marking the start of an exciting new year at Olympus!


To break the ice and get to know each other, we gathered outside for some fun and slightly risky activities—the risk of getting soaked, that is!

The first challenge had one brave Olympus lad seated in the middle of a circle, trying to detect an approaching person. The twist? The person approaching had a set of keys, adding a bit of difficulty to the task. If the person in the middle guessed correctly, all was well; if not—whoosh—a bucket of water over the head!

Next up, we split into teams for a submarine-themed game. Blindfolded, each team formed a “submarine” with one leader at the back. Through shoulder taps, the leader guided the team to “sink” the enemy submarines. It was a great way to bond and sharpen our teamwork skills.

After getting better acquainted, we returned to Olympus for the iconic group photo—capturing the moment and marking the beginning of another year full of adventures.

Here’s to a fantastic year ahead at Olympus!





Welcome back!

We are back!

Summer indeed is one of the most awaited vacations for all of us, where we can enjoy time with family and friends after a long academic year. Still, we cannot deny that one of our favorite parts of the course is the beginning: seeing those friends you miss again, meeting new people, new classmates and teachers, and a lot of energy after a well-deserved vacation.

Here we go Olympus!



Graduation 2024

Yesterday we attended the beautiful graduation ceremony of the 23/24 graduating class.

Without a doubt, it was a very emotional event in which all the students collected their diplomas on the most important day of their academic careers so far. There were musical moments, and sentimental speeches, addressed to families, teachers, classmates, and House Parents. We are very proud like Boarding staff to see how all these students have progressed and grown in their lives guided by all of us to now, on their own, continue to seek new challenges in which to succeed in life.

We wish all the best to all the students of this promotion, but especially to all our Olympus boys, you will always be part of this house:

Alex, Aleksei, André, Billy, David, Kevin, Lael, Murat and Tim.


Nicolas’ experiences from Paris

Last weekend, I went on an exciting school trip to Paris. Our adventure started on Friday when we took a train. It was a fun ride with my classmates. We talked and looked out the windows. We arrived in Paris and were very excited. The city looked beautiful.

Our first stop was the Eiffel Tower. It’s a very famous and tall tower. We learned it’s one of the most famous places in Paris. We took lots of photos there. Then, we went on a boat trip on the Seine River. We saw many beautiful buildings and bridges. The boat ride was relaxing and fun. We waved at people walking by the river.

After the boat ride, we went up the Eiffel Tower. It was a bit scary but exciting to be so high. The view of Paris from up there was amazing. We could see the whole city. It looked like a postcard. After coming down, we walked around near the tower. We were hungry, so the teachers gave us money for food. We found a nice place to eat. I tried some French fries in Paris!

We walked on a famous street called Champs-Élysées. It was a long street with lots of shops and cafes. We went into some shops and looked at the things they sold. I bought a small Eiffel Tower keychain as a souvenir.

In the evening, we went to a restaurant for dinner. The food was delicious. I tried some new French dishes. I liked the dessert the best. Then, we went to our hotel. It was a big hotel with nice rooms. The beds were very comfortable. I shared a room with my best friend, and we talked late into the night.

The next morning, after breakfast at the hotel, we visited the Louvre Museum. It’s a huge museum with so many paintings and statues. We saw the Mona Lisa. It was smaller than I thought but still cool. We also saw a famous statue called Venus. It’s very old and missing its arms. Our teacher told us about the history of these artworks. I learned a lot about art and history.

After the museum, we had some free time. We walked around Paris, seeing the streets and buildings. It was nice to see the city life. Then, we went back to the train station. We bought some snacks for the trip back to Geneva. I got some chocolate and a sandwich.

This trip to Paris was very special. I had so much fun and learned a lot about French culture and history. I want to thank my school and the teachers for organizing this trip. It was an experience I will always remember. Paris is a beautiful city, and I hope to visit again one day.

Happy February break

Wishing you a fantastic February break filled with relaxation, fun, and cherished memories! Whether you’re exploring new places or enjoying cozy moments at home, take this time to recharge and unwind. Embrace every opportunity for adventure and make the most of this well-deserved break. Enjoy every moment to the fullest!

Olympus Team

MPW London - We've just broken up for February half term! Happy holidays  all of you. | Facebook

CDL Olympus Boarders Return Refreshed

After having a fun and relaxing October break, CDL Olympus students are now back and ready
to resume their school year. It’s worth noting that these students have returned from all corners
of the globe, each with their unique tales of adventure and exploration. The break provided
them with a well-deserved opportunity to unwind, recharge, and make wonderful memories.
They now face the next part of their school year prepared, relaxed, and filled with enthusiasm