It’s a pleasure to share so many moments with Boris. Every weekend, Boris delights us not only with his company but also with details of his culture and family.
It’s a pleasure to share so many moments with Boris. Every weekend, Boris delights us not only with his company but also with details of his culture and family.
Mr Rodrigo and Mr George, from the house of Léman ,took the biking group into the canton of Vaud. Sounds like a far away idea but in fact… it is only a 5 minute bike ride away ! However the rules change from one canton to the other: in that of Geneva we had to be split into two groups, whilst in Vaud we could rejoin as a group of nine. Borders — what are they good for?
All of our students at boarding are members of Generation Z, or Zoomers, which means that their social life has grown from and revolves, whether we like it or not, around social media platforms. This is inalienable fact. It is why a major part of their Wellbeing is through a better understanding of their interactions online. The boys partook in a workshop with Mr Rodrigo about the growing problem of cyber-bullying. We hope they learnt something beyond ”cyberbullying is really bad.” And they’re not wrong!
After our house meeting about the plans for Skiing in 2021, we proceeded to a session of our house competition — the grades competed against each other on the table football. The final was a tight game of Grade 12 against, surprisingly, Grade 9, with a win over just 1 goal. A healthy dose of competition is sure to boost their Wellbeing!
Over the weekend some of our boys went to help prepare presents for this year’s gift box appeal.The annual gift box project is a project where students choose to participate by donating either money or items. This includes items like toothbrush, soap, school supplies, socks, toys, chocolate and etc. Essential items that make their lives easier. The boxes are sent to needy children in orphanages, schools and hospitals in Eastern Europe who are living below poverty.
This is a great event and the boys were delighted to be part of this. It shows that we as a community are willing to help and do something nice for other people, no matter what country or background they come from.
This also means that some of our boys have completed their individual projects for the second Wellbeing Pillar – Protecting against bullying and promoting diversity.
For our pillar II of Wellbeing we face our most difficult, often inextricable challenge as a human species: living together with all our differences. The boys had simply to create a poster on their individual cultures for our community project — a wall of diversity. The boys presented their poster and explained some key aspects of their culture. However, how do we face the clashes that arise from irreconciliable differences? Many of our boys hail from cultures of religious fundamentalism, whilst others from a hard-earned tradition of extreme freedom of expression. We hope that this exercise helped broaden their mental horizons!
This autumn Wednesday evening saw the house of Olympus gathered around Mr Tom. He told us us his charity story about cycling 300+ km to raise money for the medical treatment for Mr Ricardo’s son. It is a truly inspiring story: they raised 2000+ francs, and the boy’s condition improved. This will inspire the boys for the CDL Change The World project for the boys to attempt a work of charity over Winter break. But that was not all. We had a house competition, lots of Wellbeing, and new results on our Mt Olympus board. Watch some scenes from the evening !
This evening the boys partook in the Second Pillar of our Wellbeing programme: Diversity and Inclusion. They brainstormed ways in which their countries make them culturally rich individuals and discussed both 1) their similarities and 2)differences. In this way they came to learn that even if they are different, their similarities were more than they expected. It’s never too late to learn this lesson!
Some of the boys also enjoyed a session of Catan with Mr Ronan 🙂