Our Big Charity Day: Fun, Wellbeing, for a good cause! πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜

And our big charity day has come ! We cycled for 270+ km as a group in order to raise funds for WORLD BIKE RELIEF, an Ngo that provides bicycles to communities in Africa in need of easy and affordable transportation. Furthermore, it was an activity that promoted health and exercise for our students, one of the pillars of Wellbeing here at CDL. What a well-rounded day. What a joy to participate. Thanks to our wonderful Mr. Tom for making this happen.

If you are reading this, you can still contribute !Β  Our boys cycled very hard today. https://join.worldbicyclerelief.org/Olympuscycles/challenge


Arsenii rose the earliest for his turn, and beat the student record of 30 minutes on the bike: 17.8 kilometers ! He is quite proud of his achievement.


Our house tutor Mr Rodrigo was next, quickly getting into the top 4. Quite an accomplishment for 8.30 in the morning !!!


Later this morning, Ilya M. rode the bike to a technical inconvenience — the chain fell off! We fixed it immediately , but Ilya had lost some steam. Never took his mask off; a genuinely responsible young adult.


Fran rode to some excellent results, and on the day of his very birthday ! We are very proud of Fran.


Ryunosuke rides as Said watches on. He did quite well, slipping into the top 5. Well done, Ryunosuke.


Toma tries his own thirty minutes… apparently in a coat! It looks like he has recovered from being unwell and is ready for some serious exercise.


Albion rides solo! Eyes on the prize: getting into the top 10.


And who is this impromptu boarder ! Mr Usher showed support for our charity project by riding a few minutes. Cycling is not his strength, but he was a great sport.

Akihiro did well… being assisted by Mr Usher and Mr Xavier! It was great to see so many of our boys participate, even if cycling is not their cup of tea. It was for a good cause, after all.



Here she is: the ride report for the sum total of participants today. Excellent work, boys. Expect this again next year — better and revamped ! Thanks again to Mr Tom, Mr Xavier & Mr Rodrigo for overseeing today’s activity. We are still waiting to see Mr Tom’s results !!

The Ride before the Big Day….! 🚲 🚲 🚲 πŸ”₯

And so the day before our big bike challenge, some of our boy ventured into the woods to timber.. I mean, limber up! Bike, bike, bike, boys! Don’t let the rain or shine stop you.

Mr George with our very own Hanwen, Tony, Ryunosuke and Aoto. Shiny happy people. Picture credits to Mr Rodrigo.


Arsenii rides a long and winding road. He’s got a ticket to ride !


This happened to be the group with the longer bike journey, some 16 km. Hamza and David did not disappoint ! A little less conversation, a little more action.

Tour de Olympus…. for charity. Stage 1 ! 🚲 πŸ’ͺ

And we have finally set up our community service project: cycling as much as possible, raising funds for World Bicycle Relief, an NGO that takes bicycles to under developed populations in Africa in need of easy long-distance transport. Watch the boys cycle for a good cause !

Francisco was our brave first cyclist, he didn’t even break a sweat ! A modern day Hercules


Albion was our second next hero. An Achilles without the pesky foot !!


Boris cycled quite fast in such a short span. Getting too close to the sun aren’t you Daedalus !!


Max struggled quite a lot after his 2 minutes on the bike. Looks like our Odysseus needs some more training before reaching Ithaca.


Iyewona proves that slow and steady… is sometimes only slow and steady. Careful Pheidippides will speed past you , blink and you’ll miss it !


A Room With A View, 2020.


Panorama of our very own Mt Olympus. Even the heroes of ancient Greece need a well deserved break. Well done, boys !

Chess Mate!

The chess competition is now well underway, with students meeting every Monday at 7.30pm to play.

Max is the self appointed oversea-er of the games, looking out for any wrong moves.

Rains out Games out

Aoto, Francisco and Ryunosuke hitting a few balls before it rains

Max and Tony working up a sweat during their crossfit season

Looks like the boys are stronger together!!

A game of two halfs

1 2 3 UNO

Rayanne bricks the jenga

Fresh homemade pancakes by Albion.. Hmmm

Wonderful Wednesday ⛅️ β˜•οΈ

Thirty days had September… and that’s all folks ! The last day of the month, once again eventful and another day to remember for our boys, many years to come.

Here are some pictures on the last day of September of this year 2020:

We finally took our group house picture… here a sneak peek before we removed the masks to unveil our smiling faces. Will have to wait for the final picture. Class of 2020 !


Our basketball supersars shone once more — this time against ”Concha Attack” from the house of Concha. Our rivals led a surprising victory. We must say well done to James, Rob and Co .!


Nigel doing what he loves most. Toma and Ilya watching closely; the ball up for grabs !


Wonderful group picture. Vova, Tony, Toma, Nigel, the two Ilyas and Karim. Treasured memory for years to come !


Our shining prefect giving a personal speech about his experience making friends at CDL. Brave and very articulate.


Many a student engaged with Ivan’s segment. He must have been pleased. Foreshadows a great future ahead for him, and his peers. Well done Ivan & Co. !

Castles, Sports & Tests πŸ°πŸŽΎβ™ŸοΈ


A group of students visited the Chateau de Chillon near Montreux at Lac Leman. They also had a blast touring this old castle as well as learning lots of interesting facts about the castle.

Iyowuna and Guanchen during the guided visit at the Castle.Β 

Boris having a blast at the rock climbing gym during the weekend. Although he is doing healthy things like cardio. He had a lot of fun climbing up and down the walls of the gym.

Ilya can be seen here playing indoor tennis with some other people in our house like Victor.Β 

Victor is seen here taking a break to pose for the photo. He worked really hard and had a fun time. Although it is indoors (which kept the cold out), they were still able to play some good games of tennis and had fun

Here we can see a chess tournament in mid progress. On the far left it is Hamza watching the game between the 2 competitors. Arsenii wins this game against Rayan moving him further into the tournament. Some really strategic moves were made by him to make him successful in this match.

Vladimir took his SAT exam over the weekend. He studied very hard for this test, which should help him achieve a great result. WELL DONE VLADIMIR!

Nigel D.

Cold outside, warm inside ! β„οΈπŸ‘πŸ”₯

Alas, the cold has arrived in Geneva, almost overnight. But we have had a wonderful weekend and are staying warm with friends and activities aplenty.

On the occasion of Anuar’s birthday, the boys from Olympus gathered in a warm celebration for their dear friend.


Our very own Arsenii and Mirsadi with their peers from Leman 2.


Iyowuna aiming for the perfect shot !

A rather blurry shot, but the only evidence of our wonderful bike ride with Aoto, Ryunosuke, Hamza, Hanwen, Arsenii and Mr Rodrigo. The stellar picture courtesy of Mr George !

The Climb to Mt Olympus πŸ—»πŸƒ

Mr Tom’s handcrafted Mount Olympus is finally up ! This will keep track of the house competition between grades, to inspire them to reach the top ! Grade 12 (Dionysus) and Grade 11 (Ares) Grade 10 (Apollo) and Grade 9 (Hades) are up for the glory at the top. At the moment Grade 12, Dionsyus, is leading by 210 points. Where will the next months take us ? Keep up with the competition on the blog right here !