We hope everyone had a happy sunny weekend from Concha Annexe✨🔆
On Saturday morning Paria and Sabina baked some yummy deserts in cooking!
Paria and Sabina at baking
Also a big congratulations to Manuela for starting back private horseriding lessons on Saturday morning! We heard she done absolutely fantastic. The instructor Cristina was super impressed!❤🐴
Afterwards the 3 girls spent the afternoon in Geneva! Drinking starbucks and enjoying the lovely weather😁😁

On Sunday we went to the beautiful and interesting Patek Phillipe museum and the girls really enjoyed it!

Finally! This month we will be doing a May fitness challenge! 😊😊😊
Todays first challenge was….
How many jumping jacks can you do in 30 seconds?
The girls got the following impressive scores..
Manuela-37, Paria- 48, Sabina- 35! 🥰🥰🥰🥰