Happy Holidays!

Dear Parents,
As this half term in Concha draws to an end we would like to give you some news from the Boarding House. 

This half term has been full of fun and activities for our boarders. As well as the usual tennis, horseback riding and swimming on offer, we have also introduced 3D printing classes and snow shoe walking in the mountains. There have also been ski weekends that the boarders have been taking part in and have been a great success. Many of our boys in Concha will be participating in Ski week from this Saturday. 
For those that children are attending ski week, the hotel details are as follows:
·         Name: Hôtel du Parc
·         Address: Route du Parc 5, 3963 Crans-Montana 1
·         Telephone number: +41 27 481 41 01
Myself and Joshua Oldham will also be attending the trip and can be reached on the Concha phone number should you need to get in touch with us. 
As well as all the fun that we have had, our boys in Concha have also been studying hard and working towards the second marking period grades, which ends on the 26th of February. As you may know, there will be parent teacher meetings on March 16th. You are of course welcome to attend these events yourselves. In the event that you would like myself and Joshua to represent you during these meetings with the teachers, don’t hesitate to let us know. We will then send you a report of your son’s progress. 

We would like to also take this opportunity to remind you to submit your re-enrolment documents for the academic year 2016-17 if you have not already done so. 
If you have your travel details for the Spring Break, please forward them onto us, so we can start organising relevant logistics for the holiday period. 

We look forward to welcoming your son back after the break, well rested and ready for the last stretch of the Marking Period. 

Best regards,

The Concha Team. 
Happy Holidays!

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