This evening we launched Pillar 3 of our Well being Program!
This pillar focuses on building positive relationships, and what better way to kick it off than to talk about one of the most important relationships you could ever cultivate: the one with yourself.
Self-acceptance, self-love, understanding your emotions and your thoughts; these are all vital aspects of positive friendships as they impact they way you interact and develop relationships with others.
We spoke about how self-acceptance can be difficult sometimes, especially at this age and provided some tips to help our boys in case they found themselves struggling with it.
Lastly, we played a game where we threw a ball around and each of us said something we liked about ourselves or that we felt proud of. It was lovely to see that so many people were quite proud of helping others! There was a lot of giggling and clapping, but overall a lovely way to get the boys to see how great they really are.