Mountain Weekend – Leysin

Last week, the whole Boarding Community travelled to alpine resort of Leysin to enjoy the beautiful scenary and to participate in mountain activities. These included Biking, Rock Climbing, Outdoor Living and Cooking, Orienteering and many more.

Wellbeing Session One – Healthy Bodies and Minds

This morning, Jaime and I sat with the Concha students and discussed the first pillar of our Wellbeing Programme. We talked about the importance of rest, sleep and meditation, and the boys were extremely interested in this topic.

We also discussed nutrition and hydration, and the importance of having a balanced heathy diet, for their growth, health and the benefits this will give them at school and later life:



Today we visited Geneva, where we showed the new students around, had some lovely Italian food and ice creams by the lake. The weather was fantastic and the boys really enjoyed their time together!