Weekend activities!!!!

It has been another incredible weekend full of exciting times and enjoyable activities. Our students got the opportunity to take part in a range of amazing activities including cooking, woodcrafting, badminton, table tennis, chess, photography, tennis and horse riding. We also had the wonderful moment of celebrating the birthdays of some of the younger members of our community. Happy birthday boys.



Concha Community Project – Promoting Diversity

This afternoon, together as a team, we created a piece of art for our chosen community project of the second pillar of wellbeing – ‘Protecting against bullying and promoting diversity’. This art project aims to represent all the different nationalities and cultures we have in our Boarding House. We are a diverse group here in Concha, from 9 different countries in total, but we still treat each other like we are in the same family. This canvas will be displayed proudly on the wall in the living area of our Boarding House.

Happy Thanksgiving

This week, we celebrated Thanksgiving. It is important for us to celebrate holidays from anywhere in the world. We had an amazing meal and the boys were able to do some important reflection about what they are truly grateful for.

Nice work, Liam :)

Those who know our Boarding House well, will already know how passionate we all are about LEGO. We want to congratulate Liam on finishing his LEGO train. He has been working on this everyday for the last two weeks and he is very proud to have finally completed it. Excellent work.

After school activity – Rugby

It is so important that after a long day of hard work at school, that we get outside, run around, exercise and play some sports as soon as we can. For Bernardo, a release of energy through the sport of Rugby is just what the doctor ordered at the end of the school day.

House Dinner

This evening we welcomed some of the former Concha boys back into our Boarding House. We all enjoyed an amazing and delicious meal together, cooked for us by Mr James. Thank you so much! It is truly special whenever we do things together, and especially when it involves other members of our community as well. Congratulations also goes to Loris who won the quiz of the evening :).


Weekend 20th – 22nd Summary 2/2

And another week coming that has come to an end… There are only 4 left for the desired Christmas Holidays. Winter is approaching and is beginning to be noticed with the drop in temperatures. We hope that soon we will be able to enjoy some snow !

This Sunday has been a very busy one! Cycling, skateboarding, cooking, our traditional 40/40 in the garden… and much more. Thank you very much to the kids for their participation and effort in the cooking competition, they have done a great job.

At the College du Leman we value the wellbeing of our children very much. That is why we continue to put into practice on a daily basis what has been established in our Wellbeing Programme for them. Staying active, eating well, interacting with the community by cooking, playing or simply talking among many other things… is something we see daily and we encourage our children to continue doing it.

Concha team wishes you a great start to your week.


House Competition III : Bake off 🍰🎂

This afternoon the third competition between Boarding Houses took place. On this occasion we had to dress up as a chef and prepare a cake. Our chef team led by Owen and Liam prepared a spectacular and delicious almond, raspberry and apple cake.

We are sure the judge loved it.

Great job boys!