Happy Birthday to Tomohisa, who turned 19 years old.
We wish him good health and happiness.
Happy Spring break to all our families, agents and students!
We hope all our students have a fantastic break with their family and friends.
The Boarding House reopens on Friday 22nd April at 4pm. We look forward to seeing everyone after the break. We hope they all return fully refreshed and ready to work for the remainder of the school year.
Saturday morning, we broke out the griddle and made ourselves some pancakes, with blueberries and white chocolate toppings.
More denizens of CDL called to Leman 1 by the aroma. Mr. Jakob from Olympus and Rakaan from Leman 2 joined us in our feast of the cakes of pan.
If there’s anything that 5 people (including myself) of varying ages and backgrounds can agree on, it’s that pancakes are delicious.