We are now approaching the third week of delivering the first pillar of our wellbeing programme in our Boarding Houses – ‘Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds’.
Throughout this pillar we will be ensuring our students understand the importance of taking care of our bodies and our minds in our day to day lives. Furthermore, we will be highlighting sport participation, sleeping patterns, nutrition and relaxation methods, as sub topics. With the students, we will discuss and discover how all these could play a key role in maintaining a healthy balance.
This week we will be asking the students how a healthy balanced diet can help with sports performance, as well as academic performance, brain development and growth. We will show the videos below to the students.
Timur and Antoni are the student wellbeing advocates for our Boarding House and they will be presenting in our wellbeing session again this week. They will be sharing their experiences and answering a range of questions regarding the importance of good nutrition for sports and everyday life.
Nutrition is key to sports performance | Ohio State Medical Center – YouTube
Nutrition for a Healthy Life – YouTube
Here our some recent photos of some healthy dishes that we have served to our students in the Dining room. Please feel free to visit the Dining at CDL Blog Page following this link: https://blogs.cdl.ch/diningatcdl/