After a quick stop at Starbucks we went to the Pâquis where hundred of stands, food and music bands were waiting for us. It was really fun!
Geneva outing
Quote of the Day
BBQ Party!!!!!!!!!
BBQ on campus
Last friday there was a barbecue on campus organised by the PFA (Parents Association). It was very cool. A lot of people came and we could do games for charities, enjoy music from school bands and eat plenty of different dishes!
We also had the opportunity to applause Regina and her team Odyssey performing some stands!!!!! WOWWWW
Last Tuesday, we invited some teachers to Old and New Portena to introduce them into the life of our boarders. We had a lot of food and the girls were very excited about their teachers coming and spending some time with them outside school. The house was lighted up with joy, both students and teachers were very open, therefore the evening pass by really quickly. We were more than 80 people in total and for us this is a great success. It brought us all a little bit closer and to get to know the teachers’ personalities better, and for the teachers to understand their students and how boarders’ lives differ from other students. Teachers were very glad for this opportunity, the invitations from the girls and thankful for the great time spent with our girls.