13th November 2023: Odd Socks Day in Collège du Léman

The new week has started with today, November 13, the “Odd Socks Day” in Collège du Léman.

This day is an important part of the second pillar of the school wellbeing program about which New Portena girls are continuing to work on by preserving a culture of respect, inclusion, and empathy, and reducing the negative impact of bullying on individuals and communities.

Embracing Diversity at New Portena: The Wellbeing Journey Continues

We’re thrilled to kick off the second pillar of our Wellbeing program at New Portena: “Protecting Against Bullying and Respecting Diversity.” Yesterday’s house meeting marked the beginning of our ethnicity and diversity challenge, a meaningful initiative to foster connections and understanding.

In a heartwarming exercise, roommates in each room came together to discover what they share in common. From shared interests to cultural connections, the process was a celebration of diversity and unity within our boarding house.

Here’s to the journey of embracing diversity and building stronger bonds at New Portena! 🌐🏡✨ #NewPortenaJourney

✍🏼 Words from Sofiia

Hello !

My name is Sofiia and I’ve been living in New Portena for three years now. I’d like to share with you the reasons why I think New Portena is the best home.

First of all, there’s the location, it’s not far from the school.

I also appreciate the rich diversity in our house, with students of various nationalities. This diversity has expanded our social circles and deepened our connections, enabling us to welcome and connect with new students as they join our community at the beginning of the year. Being in a big house for a long time has also allowed me to build meaningful relationships with my friends and the house parent team.

Thank you New Portena, I love you!


Rainy Autumn Weekend Delights at New Portena

The first weekend of November greeted us with a gentle rain and the unmistakable feel of autumn in the air. Our New Portena girls, undeterred by the weather, seized the opportunity to whip up some warmth and sweetness.

On Saturday morning, Adela, Ashley, Lily, Vladi, and Yufri went over to their cooking activity to create a delightful cooking experience. The result? Delicious, homemade éclairs.

🌧️🍂🍮 #AutumnDelights #NewPortenaMoments


New Portena Halloween party 🦇🥳

Yesterday evening New Portena house and its living room decorated with fake spider webs, bats, cockroaches as well as a table full of candies, marshmallows dipped in chocolate, scaring Oreo biscuits and much more hosted students from other houses who had a lot of fun playing board games and baking ghost, bat, pumpkin, brain-shaped sweets with New Portena girls! 🍭🧁