Sunday Trip to Chocolate Factory & Gruyere

On Sunday Alina and Romina visited the beautiful village of Gruyere, and Maison Cailler, the famous Swiss chocolate factory.

The girls explored Gruyere in the snow before moving on to learn about the story behind how chocolate is made. A great day was had by all!



New Portena girls enjoyed Thanksgiving celebrations at Mr Usher’s house!

They also wrote on coloured cards what they are thankful for in their life.


House Competition: Masterchef

Today was the sixth house competition of the school year; Masterchef. New Portena were given the challenge of making a Starter and the girls decided to focus on the diversity of our house to create a colourful and healthy dish.

Well done Dahlia, Natalina, Irina, Alessia and Alina! And a big thank you to Dahlia’s Mum for Facetiming us and making sure we didn’t face any culinary disasters.

Now to wait for the results….