Firstly, we won the motto competition and Alison did a splendid job of representing our house at the presentation evening. Absolutely fantastic work from everybody! What a fantastic way to start off the weekend.
Every Friday in Old Portena the girls take part in an afternoon activity together after a busy week at school. This week, we split into teams and did an ‘Egg Drop Challenge’.
The aim was to shield an uncooked egg in some way to ensure that it didn’t crack when dropped from a height and onto the ground. Each team was given:
- 20 straws
- A brown paper bag
- A trash bag
- Some string
- Some tissue
- A piece of paper
- Some celotape
I am pleased to say that all the staff were very impressed by the intelligent designs made up by the teams. I think we definitely have some future engineers and architects in our house. Every egg survived! But most of all, we had a lot of fun and strengthened our new made friendships.
Here are some photos of the different teams at work.