Wednesday is always a CDL day

Today in our International Dinners we got INDIAN TIME

Yustyna is happy to be back and has missed these amazing dinners really much.

Of course, we can not forget our afternoon snacks. Yesterday we had home made banana muffins. R


Thank you very much Miss Maria for baking for us.

Chihana in Barcelona

This weekend we got the opportunity to visit the amazing city of Barcelona. Chihana and Miss Cristina had an amazing time together with a great group of students.

We not only visited the most famous monuments but we also got the chance to visit Barça’s football stadium.

Weekend activities in OP

This weekend Berru and Nastia played some tennis during Saturday morning, they will become professionals very soon!!

Sally, Kylie and Amy spent a lovely Sunday afternoon enjoying the company of our great Musician Rogerio from Leman 2.

Darina, Luciana and Rin practiced their best shots in Badminton.


















Yustyna and Chisa enjoyed the lovely weather we are getting these days and got some inspiration for their art creations.




This weekend, we also had the Chamonix Trip. Rin and Yustyna took this opportunity to visit our neighbour country, France and its lovely mountains.


Yesterday was on of the funniest, nicest and best days at CDL!

Thank you for helping us having so much fun!!!!

And of course, after a long day, we need a good recovery, Nutella sandwiches with a some banana on top.