The Mozart Effect!!!

After a long day, meditating for a restful night to come, listening to sonata for 2 pianos 448 by Mozart.Several studies indicate that this particular piece has brainstorming effects as also calming ones, more than any other piece or music.

Some of the hundreds of benefits of the Mozart Effect are:

  • Improves test scores,Cuts learning time,Calms hyperactive children and adults,Reduces errors,Improves creativity and clarity,Heals the body faster,Integrates both sides of the brain for more efficient learning,Raises IQ scores 9 points (research done at University of California, Irvine)!!!!

And YES half of Us fall asleep!!

you can enjoy his magnificent music here :




Well-being Tutorial, Positive Role Models.

Following our Pastoral Program, this week in our Well-being session we focused on Positive Role Models.

We began by asking them to how can they be a good role model. It was easy to compile a list of words regarding what a role model should be.

1-Become the very best person you can be. Be yourself in the ultimate form

2-Respect everyone and everything you come in contact with.

3-Leave everyone and everything you come in contact with a little better off then they were before they ran across you.

4-Tale responsibility for your actions.

5-Never blame or complain.

6-Help the next guy, even when they can do nothing for you.

7-Look yourself in the mirror every morning and ask: Am I the man I want to be or can I do better?

8-Remember that the quest never ends.

9-Somewhere you will influence someone and never even know about it; be sure it’s a positive influence.



Positive Role Models Posters. Great inspiration Montessori Elementary, Malala Yousafzai, Role Models, Cosmic, Social Studies, Social Science, Montessori Elementary School, Sociology, Teaching Social Studies