This evening the boys partook in the Second Pillar of our Wellbeing programme: Diversity and Inclusion. They brainstormed ways in which their countries make them culturally rich individuals and discussed both 1) their similarities and 2)differences. In this way they came to learn that even if they are different, their similarities were more than they expected. It’s never too late to learn this lesson!
Some of the boys also enjoyed a session of Catan with Mr Ronan 🙂

Omar, Karim, Boris, Aoto and Nihad create the posters for the presentations on their respective countries. Model UN!

Mr Rodrigo oversees the process of poster making. We discussed American foreign policy in light of Nigel’s poster, as he is from California.

Last but not least, a stimulating game of Catan with Mr Ronan. A time for the boys’ Wellebeing! Thanks Mr Ronan.