Our first Pillar is Healthy Body and Healthy Minds.
This is a very broad topic which takes into consideration anything and everything that leads to our mental and physical wellbeing. In order to focus us on a particular area, Mr Rob the advocate for this pillar has challenged us first to think about;
Discovering how we can use sport and our hobbies to maintain a healthy mental balance
We all have hobbies and passions but perhaps we are not conscious of how good these can be for us. We discussed this in our House Meeting and had a presentation on the topic from Adi. He presented to the rest of the House how it is important we make time to continue our hobbies in the busy boarding life we lead. Adi likes to play the guitar and finds this both a challenge to keep his mind alert, active and learning; but it is also therapeutic and relaxing for him. He feels calmer and more relaxed after he spends 20 minutes practising and it gives him a sense of accomplishment which boosts his self-esteem.
Likewise, anyone who enjoys running, painting, juggling, judo, cooking or the 1001 other hobbies that we have will benefit from making sure we take the time to do and enjoy them!