Wellbeing Pillar 2 – Actions!

At CDL, we believe in fostering an environment where every student feels valued and respected. This half-semester, we’ve taken significant steps under the second Pillar of our Well-being Programme, focusing on ‘Protecting against Bullying and Respecting Diversity.’

Celebrating Race and Ethnicity

We kicked off with an insightful challenge centered on Race and Ethnicity. Understanding that diversity is our strength, we asked our boys to explore and celebrate the similarities they share with their roommates. This exercise went beyond mere discussions – students recorded videos and audio clips, sharing their reflections and insights. It was heartening to see how this activity brought them closer, highlighting that beneath the surface, we have more in common than what might separate us.

Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

The following week, we delved into a more sensitive yet equally important topic: sexual orientation and gender identity. Recognising the complexities and personal nature of these subjects, we introduced an innovative approach. Our advocates set up a platform for anonymous inquiries, allowing students to express their doubts, fears, or questions without any embarrassment or judgment. This initiative has been instrumental in fostering an environment of understanding and empathy.

Fostering Inclusivity for People with Disabilities

We turned our focus to inclusivity for people with disabilities. The boys were challenged to think about how they could make our boarding house more accessible for a disabled peer. Their innovative ideas addressed various needs, including enhancements for individuals with reduced mobility, visual impairments, and hearing difficulties. This exercise not only sparked creativity but also deepened our understanding of the daily challenges faced by people with disabilities. It was inspiring to see our students engage so thoughtfully with this important issue.

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