Wellbeing Pilar I – Online Safety

Today, our 9th and 10th graders participated in a well-being session as part of our programme to conclude Pillar I: Online Safety. The session included a presentation covering various topics related to using new technologies. While it was clear that our students, as a generation raised in the digital age, possess a broad understanding of the online world, the session highlighted that there is still much to discover and learn.

… and most importantly, there are many aspects to be cautious about and protect themselves from.

Our three key takeaway points were:

  • Have you heard of sextortion?
  • Do you know what it means to be blackmailed?
  • What would you do if someone threatened you online?

This session served as a valuable reminder of the importance of navigating the digital world responsibly. We hope that by fostering these discussions, our students will feel more confident and better equipped to protect themselves online, promoting a safer and more informed approach to technology use.