We all live in a Yellow Submarine……….

On Saturday we recorded our performance for the Boarding Got Talent contest which is happening virtually this year. Every member of the House played a part and the Rock Stars out front were Iyowuna on Guitar and Ilya on Piano.

Our Yellow Submarine that all of the boys took part in building.


Francisco and Sultan cutting it out.

Akihiro helping with the colouring of the Yellow Submarine.


Omar also working on the colouring in.


Hanwen and Mr.Ronan working on the top of the submarine

Iyowuna and Nihad practicing the lyrics for the song.


Our Yellow Submarine now take pride or place on the wall here in Olympus.

Well-being is Everywhere


As Pillar 4 of the Well-being program comes to an end, the G12 boys sat with Mr Tom and discussed their individual projects. One of the boys researched into how clickabit is used to grab our attention online, while other chose to research their friends on Google…… Luckily with very little effect.


Mr Tom and some of thoe boys have started to do 15 minuted of yoga every evening.

Even some of the more difficult positions, left the guys feeling relaxed and clam after their session

We think Fransisco was actually asleep by the end of this one.

Wellbeing Pillar 4 – What goes online, stays online.

Today our 9th graders had their wellbeing session. This Pillar as you know is focused on keeping us safe in the big online world.

Today’s topic focused on “What goes online, stays online”.
– Do we know what happens when we accept the privacy terms when we sign up to an application, website etc?
– What impact could have everything we post on the internet have? Loss of opportunities (job, university), friendships.

Focused on these questions we have made some interesting reflections. Like how we are now products for big companies like Facebook, Instagram etc… If a university should focus only on my academic results or also take into consideration what my online profiles say about me during the application process?

Finally the kids have chosen their individual project to work on during this pillar.


⚽ 📷 Busy Sunday at CDL Boarding ✂️ ♟️

Incredible energy levels of these two (Aoto & Ryunosuke). They do not miss any opportunity to exercise and have fun.

Another snap of Photography activity with Tamuno and Guanchen.

Something is cooking in Olympus! Francisco and Sultan’s work was essential on today’s project. Stay tuned for more news.

Imanali joined chess club this weekend. “Shhh, players are focused” 😀

Saturday Activites

Now that the ski season is over, we have had another busy weekend on campus in terms of activities. Our boys participated in tennis, cycling and the photography workshop.  In addition to these activities, there was the possibility to attend also cooking and fitness.

In the afternoon some of our boys went to Geneva and they enjoyed their free time in the city doing some shopping and having a nice time around the lake.

Tomorrow, they will still have the possibility to enjoy more activities such as Yoga, Tennis and fitness among others. They will also be able to perfect and/or develop new skills in our CDL clubs like Chess, Steam or Football.

What Goes Online…….. Stays Online. Pillar 4, Online safety.

Tonight we looked deep into the World Wide Web, and explored how safe the information we innocently share with our friends, really is. We looked at the impact that our actions and social media posts have on our future and the effects it can have on our careers.


We looked at how seriously we take care of our Privacy setting and our passwords. I think all the boys were aware of how often they “should” change a password, not so many stuck to this rule……Something I think we are all guilty off.

The boys were also given examples of social media posts that had cost people their jobs, or negatively affected their careers because of content posted years earlier. The boys then researched  on their own to find similar situations for us to reflect on. We then used this time to select the individual projects for the guys and make a plan for our community project.

Wednesday Night is Meeting Night

Mr.Tom discussing a few changes for this weekend, along with announcing Arsneii as boarder of the week.

Wellbeing was another topic discussed tonight. Hands up who want to know about online safety.

Round 2 of Champions League tonight where PSG beat Barcelona. Some of our boys were not so happy with the result..

Champions league is back!!

Champions League is back on tonight. The boys have been waiting all evening for kick off.


Karim has found a new hobby to play each evening during social hour. Pool has become a popular game amoungst most of the house.