February Boarding Assembly

This month’s assembly has been mainly focused on closing Pillar 3 of the wellbeing programme which, as you know, has been focused on Building Friendships and managing different situations such as Peer Pressure. We have seen the different projects, both individual and group, that have been carried out at Collège du Léman by our Boarders, all of them very original and we are sure that we have all learnt a lot from them.

We have also seen the Solidarity Project “Change the World Action” carried out by Alex and Emma from Villa du Lac.

Finally, an interview with Loris (Grade 7) where he explained how he manages to combine his studies, where he is getting great grades, with his passion for Basketball where he is also getting great achievements as part of the Geneva Basketball Team, CdL Basketball Team and Versoix Basket.

P.S. Thank you Mr. Salva and Elisa for such a nice start of the assembly and also to Mr. Usher and the girls of Villa du Lac for such a great performance 😉

Its that time again.. Wednesday night is meeting night

A full house tonight

Gabriel receives boarder of the week and pulls out 50 house points for grade 11

Nihad always ready for a quick pic

Ilya provided us with a great game tonight for the house competition where grade 9 came out on top

Their was tension in the air tonight between Feliphe and Marnix. Marnix ended up winning the best of 3 after it going right to a black ball game


Sunday evening Volleyball

This evening she of the boys from the house went down to Olympus gym and had a good game of volleyball. It is becoming the houses wellbeing activity as we play it most evenings now.

Francisco about to serve a bullet, which landed an ace for his team

In these difficult times, its is great for our boys to get together and share these special times. The joy these little house events bring to the boys is apparent when they return to the house and the feeling of team spirit and positivity is clear for all to see after the game. We are very lucky to have these boys and the boys are very lucky to have each other.

Our Student of the week…….. Nico

This Sunday we wanted to highlight some of the amazing work done by one of our students Nihad (Nico) Rustami. Nico has shared some of his drawings with us over the weekend, and his school projects and I am sure you will agree they are very good. Nico has aspirations of being an architect in the future, and he looks to me as if he is on the right path to succeed.

This was another of Nico’s projects from the week, highlighting the times we live in, and the effects of wearing a mask on our perceptions. This is a very powerful project and I think you can agree it is a great piece of artwork.

Sandstorm Ski Day for the Boys

The boys were treated to a very different skiing experience on Saturday, when they traveled to Les Crosets and Morgins to Ski. As we drove through the mountains, and neared the ski resort the sky turned red and began to rain sand.

This phenomenon occurs very rarely, and is caused by sand taken up into the atmosphere from the Sahara desert, falling as rain. The sand caused the sky and the snow to turn red, and was an extremely strange atmosphere to ski in. That said a great day was had by all the students, and they cant wait to get back into the mountains next week.

Wednesday night is meeting night

Michel received boarder of the week where he pulled out 50 house points of the bag

In the house competition the G10’s are in the lead. G12’s are now in second place after coming out on top in the house competition tonight.


 The final scores of tonights house competition which was a Kahoot on Flags of the world.




Wellbeing Session – Peer Pressure

We continue to develop Pillar  3 of our well being program. Today it was the turn of the Grade 9s on the topic of “Peer Pressure”.

We defined what “peer pressure” is and why we sometimes are influenced by what our social group says and thinks. Sometimes even against what we really want to do.

Finally we put the boys in real life situations where we often find ourselves between the dilemma of what we should do and what kind of comments or opinions we can listen to from our social group in such a situation. We asked them to act by pressuring their friend into doing something they didn’t want to, and also to encourage them to do what is right.

Encouraging against Pushing – Building Positive Friendships

Today after dinner we sat down with Grades 10 and 11 for the Wellbeing Session focusing in Building Positive Friendships.


Students were given scenarios to either encourage or push their colleagues.

We spoke about the qualities which enlighten friendships. The boys spoke about respect, loyalty, love and taking care of each other.

We also spoke about qualities that we don’t want to have in a friendship such us jealousy, betray, peer pressure and arrogance.


Weekend – Non Ski Activities

This weekend, despite the bad weather, we have continued to do various activities. On Friday and Saturday night we played intense games of Volleyball. On Saturday, those of our kids who didn’t go skiing stayed on campus and did activities such as tennis or photography.

We maintain the philosophy that we have set ourselves this term: to promote activities for the boys to enjoy themselves and have as much fun as possible with each other. Our Pillar 3 of the Well Being programme is focused on creating positive friendships, something that has been present since the beginning of the year. Some friendships are already well established and it is really nice to see that thanks to these kinds of activities, those friendships are becoming stronger and more valuable.

Friday’s match to decide who cleans the house.

Photo made by Sultan during his Photography activity.

Akihiro & Victor playing tennis on Saturday.