First House Assembly of 2021!!

Yesterday Mr.Usher gave the first Boarding assembly of the New Year. Virtually of course. Wellbeing Pillar 3 was introduce also; Building positive friendships


Mr.Tom presents Michel with the house cup, he is accepting it on behalf of Grade 9. Grade 9 came out victorious in last months race to the top of Mount Olympus!


Michel proud as punch!!

Its Snowing!!!!!!!

The snow has officially arrived in Versoix, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. This is perfect timing for the ski days which are coming in the next weeks.


The boys were making the most of the snow,

Happy New Year from Olympus……..WE ARE BACK



Olympus has reopened its doors. We are looking forward to safely welcoming all our students back on campus, and into Olympus Boarding House. We wish everyone a happy new year and all the best for a happy and successful term!

We are all moving into 2021 with open minds and full of optimism, continuing to push forward and striving to make this year the best yet in Olympus.

End of year Winter dinner

This weekend we had our end of year winter dinner. It is a great way to celebrate all the hard work our students put in during the year. The boys all dressed up and looked super smart on the night!!

Here is a little sneak peak of what the boys had last night! It tasted even better than it looked!!

Our House Prefect and House Captain looking a million dollars


Final weekend activities before we break for Christmas

Aoto and Ryunosuke out enjoying the beautiful scenery here in Versoix this morning

Boris helped Loris from Concha complete his first 5k Saturday morning through the woods in Versoix. Over the past few weeks Boris has really shown that he is a true leader and represents Olympus very well

Vova and Francisco accepting the house cup on behalf of G12

Even on the weekends the boys are all contributing to the house duties

Our winners received their boarding awards medals tonight


Boris received the boarding life award for his positive attitude around the house. He is regularly seen helping around the house, helping the boys in concha with their homework, bringing the dinner down to the youngest boys in Cham Des Bois. He is also one of the founding members of our running club here at school. He is a model student.

Francisco received the boarding academic award for his excellent marking period 1 score. Francisco attends study halls each evening when he is not attending activities. He has worked extremely hard this year and truly deserves this award. Good job Francisco!! Keep up the good work!

Iyowuna was one of three who received the boarding activities award. Iyowuna attends photography, 3D illusion drawing and Chinese.

Aoto received a boarding activities award. Aoto attends many activities each week such as badminton, fitness and plays football each evening and weekend. He is an extremely talented young football player with a bright future if he continues to work hard.

Ryunosuke is the final member in our house who received the boarding activities award. Ryunosuke loves to go biking each weekend and plays football every night with Aoto. Ryunosuke is also an extremely good football player!! If he continues to work hard he will be one to watch out for in the future!! The future is looking bright for Japans football teams.

Boarding Awards 2020!

Tonight the Olympus House went Virtual again, and we had our second Boarding Assembly held thought the magic of technology. Mr Usher and the whole Boarding team got together share their messages of positivity and support from this first semester. We had messages from Mr Salva, the boys were so Happy to see his smiling face on the screen again after his time away. Mr Antonio shared his stories from the second wellbeing pillar, and the boys even got a special Christmas Video from the House Parents.

The boys all got together in our spacious common room, there were more spaces than usual as people slowly start to leave for the winter break.

Francisco was one of the biggest winners in the Boarding House, achieving the highest score in the Boarding section within 3eme. Well Done Francisco, keep up the good work a medal is on it way to you very soon.