Olympus Chess Tournament Prize Giving

Medals being awarded by Miguel, the Tournament Organiser.


The chess tournament reached the end after 6 months of competition. Seven participants (Arian, Laith, Ivan, Egor, Yohei, Maksym and Miguel) played 43 games. At the end, two students had performed equally with 5 wins and one loss. One last game was needed to know the winner and Ivan was victorious. He beat Arian after a well fought game. Here are all the participants posing with their medals.

Meeting Thursday

Earlier this evening the different House Reps gathered with perspective prefect applicants to discuss some house policies and how they could perhaps be reviewed and improved.

In particular, the boys looked at rewards, and how for example a tuck shop voucher could be introduced, or the privilege to order an extra time in the week.

A very interesting and constructive discussion for all involved and we look forward to seeing

Many thanks to Yohei who kindly took the minutes of the meeting.

Football Competition

Earlier today saw the beginning of the indoor football competition. A few teams entered, with one team consisting of Olympus students as well as a staff team.

The staff team didn’t do well and ended the evening without winning a game, while the Olympus team ended the night undefeated. Mixed feelings once the final whistle went… we go again next week!