Ski Weekend – Number 2
First Amazing Ski week-end for Olympus!!
First Weekend of the term… Time to relax and cook!!
This gallery contains 4 photos.
It was the first weekend back for the boys. We had some cooking going on with our new boy. And we had a little birthday celebration. As well as a trip to the Aquarium in Lausanne And lots of shopping for ski clothes….. Wahey for the mountains! […]
Happy New Year
As campus slowly awakens from its slumber, it can only mean two things. Firstly, it’s arrivals weekend, and secondly, the new school term is upon us!
It has been great to welcome many of the boys back to the House already, and we look forward to seeing the return of familiar faces and the arrival of a new face!
On behalf of all of us here at House Olympus, we would like to wish everybody a peaceful and prosperous New Year!