December Boarding Assembly

Singing a Duet 

A big congratulations to Sue and Fiona who sang beautifully at the Boarding Assembly. They worked hard, practiced a lot and sang a really nice duet together. Great work girls!


Community Service

Tanya had the chance to talk about her experience helping in the Dominican Republic where she expressed how she had the opportunity to make a positive impact in someone else’s life. She explained how she helped build and repair a woman’s house who had been experiencing a lot of challenges in her life. It was a fulfilling experience for her and she did a great job inspiring others to go out of their comfort zone and take part in community service. Great job Tanya!

Secret Santa Gift Exchange

      A few weeks ago the girls picked names to buy a small present anonymously for another girl from the House. After the Christmas Dinner tonight we exchanged our gifts for the Secret Santa. They really enjoyed this moment as they tried to figure out who was their Secret Santa.

Also…. the House sweaters have arrived! The girls look great in their vibrant yellow sweaters!