Happy Nowruz !

Today, we wish a Happy Nowruz (new year) to our friends all over the world !

Nowruz is the Persian new year. According to the United Nations; “Nowruz promotes values of peace and solidarity between generations and within families. It’s a time of reconciliation and neighborliness, contributing to cultural diversity and friendship among peoples and different communities.”

It also happens to be on the Spring equinox ! 🙂

Our house project: no phone day !

Dear all,

Some of our girls decided to take part in a house challenge today: 24 hours without phone !

This was Nycol’s idea and it is part of our Wellbeing pillar number 4 about online safety.

So, this morning before breakfast, the girls participating in this project left their phones with us in the office (and the house parents are also doing it !). They will get their phones back tomorrow before breakfast.