Noor’s wellbeing project: the compliment box

Dear all,

As part of her wellbeing pillar number 3, Noor had a great idea for the Villa du Lac. She offered her housemates the opportunity to write compliments to anyone to the house, anonymously, and she read the papers out loud during the assembly. It was so heart warming, we decided to keep the box available in the office until the end of the school year.

Welcome, Nina V. !

Dear all,

This semester, we welcome a new girl in Villa du Lac, Nina V. !

Welcome to the Collège du Léman family, Nina ! We hope you will have the best of times here in the boarding house.

First day of Ski

This weekend we have enjoyed the first day of ski of the season. Our girls had a lot of fun and learned a lot in Villars for the beginners and in Leysin the most advanced. Definitely, looking forward to the next one!


Wellbeing pillar number 3: Building positive friendships

Dear all,

This month is dedicated to the 3rd pillar of our wellbeing program: building positive friendships.

It is important to us at CDL to talk to our students about peer pressure, good and bad friendships and to offer to everyone the opportunity to describe what they think is toxic or valuable in a friendship, how to cultivate friendship even with people far away…

We will be keeping in mind the key points we would like our students to take away:

  • Authentic Connection
  • The Power of Listening
  • It Takes Time
  • Conflict Is Natural
  • Friendship Change
  • Technology and Online Friendships

We can’t wait to see what our girls’ projects for this pillar will be !

Ski days and ski camps !

Dear all,

From January 23rd until March 6th, our students will have the opportunity to go skiing/snowboarding on Saturdays.

If they are staying here during the February break, they can also go skiing/snowboarding every day. If they are not into sports, no worries, we can also offer lovely winter activities.

Registrations for the Winter camp are still open. Click here:

CDL is made for education… and adventure !