Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Angela!
Happy Birthday Herluce!
Happy Birthday Laure!
Have a nice Holiday :-)
Wishing you a happy break and hoping that you all stay safe.
See you soon
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Wellbeing: Cannabis Prevention
Today we gathered the House for Wellbeing and focused on the topic of cannabis. The girls worked in small groups according to their age and each were assigned a subtopic that they had to research. These topics included how cannabis influences 1) mental health, 2) brain development, 3) level of addiction, and 4) gateway drug. With the information that the girls gathered they had to create a small presentation to present this week. It was an interactive and informative Wellbeing session, which involved the girls collaborating with others from the House.
Dinner in the House
Boarding Assembly – Guest Speaker Dr. Malmberg
Last night we had an assembly with guest speaker Dr. Malmberg who discussed the current situation with the COVID-19. He answered many questions that the students had regarding this virus.
We all need to remember to maintain proper hygiene by washing our hands regularly, using the hand sanitizers located around the entire school, and try to minimize the amount of times we touch our face. We will continue to support and calm the students while we go through this tough situation.