During our first Virtual Boarding Assembly in 2021 has seen the launch of The Third Pillar of our Well-being Programme, Building Positive Friendships.
This third Pillar will accompany our students, and it will offer them the opportunity to work on a range of many different projects and activities until February Break.
Throughout these weeks, we will cover crucial topics such as Friendship groups, Positive role model, Sociability, Confidence/Motivation…
Friendship is a very important part of our lives.
For teenagers, good friends can be:
– like a personal support group
– a sense of belonging, a feeling of being valued and help with developing confidence
-the sense of security and comfort that comes from being with others going through similar experiences
-information about the changes that puberty brings, and what’s going on physically and emotionally
-a way to experiment with different values, roles, identities, and ideas
– experience in getting along with people of the opposite sex.
-a social group to do new things with, especially things that are different from what families do.