Today we had a chat over some fruits and it was about decision making. I took an apple and I asked them whether they wanted to eat it or not? And the conversation started there.

I asked them have you ever wondered just how many decisions you make in a day? I got frowned faces. So I answered this question, neuroscientists predict it’s a mind-blowing 35,000! (Yes, I searched about it before, like I do every time we are about to have a debate about a wellbeing project.).
Then I went on to ask them if they could number how many decisions they had to make since they woke up. I started my list by, when I woke up I saw it was 7am so I questioned myself whether I should get up or stay in bed 30more mins. It followed by whether I should drink my coffee with or without milk, go straight to the computer or enjoy my coffee in the sun, drink a second one or wait for brunch, enjoy the sun or open my phone to check messages etc. Then they started to think of all the decisions they made until then and realised that they were actually a lot!
I told them that someone once told me that life is just a series of decisions, one right after another, each determining the life that we lead. Sometimes the decisions are small and inconsequential, like my morning selections. However, sometimes the decisions are big. They have the power to shape us, such as which college to attend, and the degree to pursue, whom to marry or where to settle down. And the ripple effect that follows can feel like you’re riding a tidal wave. Regardless-big or small, every day these choices are written into our story.
So we talked about how to get to the root of decision making and we came up with these 6 steps;
- Identify the problem/conflict to be solved.
- Gather relevant information.
- Brainstorm possible solutions.
- Identify potential consequences.
- Make a choice.
- Take action

This was a great interaction time and now they know that learning to make their own choices help them be more independent, responsible, and confident. It gives them a sense of control over their lives, reducing anxiety and promoting resilience. Furthermore, it encourages self-exploration and helps them to solidify their values.
Let’s continue with more decision making; whether to eat another fruit or stop there? Let’s apply the 6 steps and make a decision!