Happy holidays to all!!

J.Terray Boarding House will close its doors this weekend, and we would like to take this chance to wish all our girls and their families, Happy Winter Holidays and Happy 2023!! Enjoy these festive weeks with family, friends, and beloved ones. Stay safe !!

Terray Team




Winter Dance

After two years of not being able to celebrate outside the school, we were finally able to get together. It was a fun night where we all enjoyed ourselves and put on our best clothes.

Award Ceremony at Collège du Léman ,First Semester

Tonight we had “The Awards Ceremony”, where some of our girls received a medal for being involved in Activities, Boarding Life, and Academically reaching excellent grades. 

Congratulations to our girls for the awards they received at the boarding ceremony tonight 


Academics Award: Zembova Bianka,


Boarding Life Award : Gomez Hernandez, Amanda

Activities Award : El Haje , Dalaa