A HUGE thank you to Mrs Samarra, Mr Levy, Mrs Chung, Mr Van Leeuwen, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Jody Kallay, Mrs Gonzalvez, Mrs Robinson, Mr Botcheff, Mrs Balbe, Mrs Lemale, Mrs Enrech, Mrs Tandy, Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Levy, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Van Moorsel, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs R.B. to visit us in J.B. Terray 27 today. It was a pleasure being able to spend time with you, and we hope you enjoyed yourselves too.
Author Archives: opblourido
Internationals Dinners at Collège du Léman, Thailand 🇹🇭
House Pictures
Meet Collège du Léman around the world!
Delectable Brunch on Sunday
Basketball with Dalaa
Wellbeing. Pillar 1. Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds
In tonight’s house assembly, we focused on the second key takeaway of this pillar: The importance of a healthy balanced diet for sports and everyday life.
Staying healthy is at the top of nearly everyone’s priority list, and our daily choices can determine just how healthy we are. Not everything is in our control, but the habits and approaches we take to our health can often make a difference between being healthy and unhealthy
We also watched this video and we discussed how a healthy balanced diet can benefit them with sports performance, as well as academic performance, brain development and growth.