Well-Being Session. Pillar 3 Boundaries

Following our well-being program Pillar 3, tonight, during our weekly house assembly we discussed Boundaries,  and why is this so important in building positive relationships.?

Setting boundaries is an important part of establishing one’s identity and is crucial for mental health and well-being. Setting healthy boundaries can have many benefits, including helping people make decisions based on what is best for them, not just the people around them. This autonomy is an important part of self-care. Healthy boundaries are a crucial component of self-care.

Boundaries can be described as how emotionally close you let people get to you. They are also where you draw the line within a relationship. They say how much you are willing to give or take before requiring that things change or deciding to call it quits. …

Boundaries are one of the measures of relationship health.

We also watched this interesting video about how we can set healthy boundaries with toxic people.


February Break is almost here !!



    We need your flight tickets for February Break 

 From Friday 18th February to Sunday 27th February 

Building positive friendship. Well-being. Pillar 3. Individual projects. Games.

Teenagers learn when adults act as good role models. But when it comes to developing great communication and social skills, practice with other kids can be invaluable. Building strong social skills can help teens make friends and feel better equipped to deal with stress and other issues as they develop and grow knowing there is support from the people around them.
One of the best ways for kids to learn to communicate well is to have them interact in a group and use the teachable moments which are created. Board games are fun and one of the easiest ways for kids to engage with one another. Playing a game requires patience, being able to take turns, agreeing to and sticking to the rules, and being a good friend – whether you win or lose.

UNO and JENGA are great games for building decision-making skills and improving hand-to-eye coordination.  But, most importantly, the aim of these games is to teach kids the importance of being patient, how to be a good friend under pressure, and how to contain their excitement when a friend knocks the tower over!


Campus Litter Picking. Community Service

This weekend we continued our weekly Community Service by tidying up our campus and the local area. We feel we have a duty to care for where we live and the land we borrow from nature. It is important for students to be able to give their time and energy and take this moment to reflect. Everything that they pick up, has been dropped by another person. If only we all took responsibility for our own trash and recycled it, we would all be living in a better place.