Following our Pastoral Program, we are now in Week 3 of the delivery phase of the 3rd Pillar, which is focused on “Building Positive Relationships`”The focus of our assembly is to explore international friendships and identify and address “ microaggressions. These are the thinly veiled, everyday instances of racism, homophobia, sexism (and more) that you see in the world. Sometimes it’s an insult, other times it’s an errant comment or gesture. It is crucial to understand how to recognize and handle microaggressions in our interactions to foster positive relationships.
Here we go !!
Thank you Bozhena , Bruno,and Elina for taking the time to visit us and for bringing your infectious energy and wonderful spirits with you. The memories we shared together will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Boarding Team (your Suisse Family)
In tonight’s assembly and following our pastoral program, we intend to shift our focus inward to reflect on the qualities of friends.Positive friendships constitute an integral aspect of the journey to adulthood, as they enable children and teenagers to acquire significant social and emotional skills, such as being attuned to the thoughts, feelings, and well-being of others.
Healthy friendships and relationships are predicated on mutual care, understanding, respect, and responsibility. In such relationships, individuals are capable of solving problems together while communicating honestly, as they share at least some of the same goals and values.
Our challenge for this session was to create a compelling videos that symbolize the essence of friendship.