Sustainability Competition at Collège du Léman


To encourage our students to better use the recycling centres, we are launching a competition for all students of the school.At Collège du Léman, we are raising awareness of how to recycle correctly. Students are encouraged to create a short video advertisement with iMovie. All projects submitted that meet the criteria will be rewarded with House Points, REACH or CAS hours in Creativity or Responsible Citizenship / Service. Well done Maria Luiza, Mia, Ana Luica and Ava !

Monthly Boarding Assembly

This evening, we had our monthly Boarding Assembly led by Mr. Usher, our boarding director. A great opportunity for everyone to get together and share news from the month along with any announcements and any accomplishments.

Disneyland Paris

This weekend a lucky group of Boarders set off on the first trip of the year and enjoyed an exciting yet exhausting weekend at Disneyland Paris. Ava and Mia all had a great time meeting the famous characters and riding the rollercoasters!

Welcome Back International BBQ!!!

Welcome back, dear students, parents, and staff! At our international school, we believe in embracing diversity, fostering community, and celebrating the global spirit that makes us unique! What better way to kick off the year than with a sizzling International BBQ?!

One of the highlights of the day was the fantastic face painting provided by our talented Terray girls, Defne and Maria Clara! The face painting was not just about fun and creativity; it was a symbol of our school’s commitment to unity in diversity. It was a statement to the beauty of coming together from all corners of the globe and sharing our traditions, our cultures and our dreams.

Welcome back, everyone. Let’s make this academic year one for the books!!

Wellbeing Pillar 1. Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds.

Tonight’s assembly started with this wonderful video made by our fantastic team of student advocates. Certainly, the strong connection between physical health and mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. It’s important to understand that physical activity doesn’t only benefit our bodies; it plays a significant role in promoting our mental well-being as well.