Well-being Station
Sunday Brunch
Dinner in the House
Tonight we had dinner in the house. We sit together and enjoyed the dinner as a family.
January Monthly Assembly
Our first Boarding Assembly in 2023 has seen the launch of The Third Pillar of our Well-being Program, Building Positive Friendships. In Boarding this is even more emphasized. By being away from the family, the students are led to create strong bonds to lay the foundations of their “Boarding Family”. Peers, roommates, colleagues become like brothers, confident, close friends… in some cases, inseparable for life. The nature of this connection is then authentic, genuine and forged by the circumstances and the kinship that the setting enhances. This third Pillar will accompany our students, and it will offer them the opportunity to work on a range of many different projects and activities until February Break.
International Dinners at Collège du Léman, Belize
Welcome Back
We are waiting for you!!! W can’t wait to see all the girls and to tell us how were the holidays.
Welcome January 2023 !!
It is with great gratitude that we end this year, thanks to all the wonderful moments we have enjoyed in our community, in and out of the classroom, at the many artistic, sporting, and musical events that have taken place recently.

Happy holidays to all!!
J.Terray Boarding House will close its doors this weekend, and we would like to take this chance to wish all our girls and their families, Happy Winter Holidays and Happy 2023!! Enjoy these festive weeks with family, friends, and beloved ones. Stay safe !!
Terray Team
Winter Dance
After two years of not being able to celebrate outside the school, we were finally able to get together. It was a fun night where we all enjoyed ourselves and put on our best clothes.