Muslima in “Les Roches Global Hospitality Education”
🏅 A group of 8 IBCP students are taking part in a fantastic challenge this week hosted by Les Roches Global Hospitality Education – Switzerland

Every day, Arlene waters the plants of the House. Well done!
Wellbeing Session,1st Pillar.The effects of screen time before sleeping 😴
We are now entering the third week of the Wellbeing Pillar 1. This week the topic to be covered is ‘The effects of screen time before sleeping’. This is again linked to the first takeaway point of this pillar which is: ‘How important is sleep?’
We care about all the elements which interfere with the life of our students. One of these is the time spent in front of screens before sleeping.
Using phones, or any screens for that matter, before you go to sleep has an effect on your health and subsequently your wellbeing. Scrolling through your phone or watching something on your laptop at bedtime can keep your mind psychologically engaged, preventing your brain from switching off effectively at the end of the day. The blue light that comes off the screens reduces the melatonin levels in your body. Melatonin is the hormone within the body that controls your sleep cycles. It is also possible that scrolling and watching can trigger emotions within your brain that will delay your sleep and can lead to you lying awake reflecting on those emotions. We would like to outline the importance of sleep to our students so that they are fully prepared and they give themselves the best opportunity possible to achieve their full potential – in all aspects of their lives. Allowing the brain the sufficient amount of time to rest and recover means we give ourselves the best chance to having a healthy mind, and a healthy body
We also watched this interesting video about How smartphones affect our sleep
Today our VIP Teachers visited our J.B. Terray 27 Boarding House
Merci aux professeurs qui sont venu nous rendre visite à J.B.Terray 27 aujourd’hui. C’était un plaisir de passer du temps avec vous, et on espère que vous vous êtes amusé autant que nous (non seulement à cause de notre nourriture !) 🙂
Thank you to all the teachers that came to visit us in J.B. Terray 27 today. It was a pleasure being able to spend time with you, and we hope you enjoyed yourselves too (not only because of our food!) 🙂