We are wishing all our girls and their families a happy and peaceful time together during this Easter Break !!
Welcome April !!
Wellbeing Pillar 4- Who are our followers?
What makes social media actually ‘social’ are the connections users make with other users on the platforms. Every social networking site handles these connections differently, calling them ‘connections’, ‘friends’ and ‘followers’, amongst others. Having friends and followers is how we find out what other people say and do. Your friends and followers are much more likely to see your online content than those outside of your network, which is why it’s important to be mindful of who you connect with and what you share. On some platforms, if two accounts follow each other, this may allow additional communication channels such as private messaging.
Some tips to stay safe online;
1. Be Cautious of Sharing Too Much
2. Adjust Privacy Settings
3. Limit Details About Work History
4. Verify Who You’re Connecting With
5. Keep Control of Comments – Be Aware of Impersonators
6. Don’t Share Personal Details
7. Check Out Your Own Account
8. Know Employer Boundaries or Acceptable Use Policies
9. Control What Information is Shared with Outside Sources
10. Be Careful of Over-Friending
11. Consider Forming a New Social Network
12. Single Sign-On: Open ID
13. What Goes Online Stays Online
14. Know How to Block Unfriendly Followers
15. Keep Passwords Strong
And last but not least, enjoy your social media, but don’t forget to enjoy your social life ❤️
Recycling for our responsibilities and future.
The girls have been doing a community project this last two weeks, going over the recycling rubbish and separating them once again. They are not only doing it to deal with the consequences of some of their actions but also to save their own planet.
These bins are only supposed to be for PET, but, as you can see in the picture, there are thousands of different things in them that are not PET bottles.
The girls were pleased to do this and at the same time shocked to see how disrespectful the others are towards our planet. Here is a recorded message from them;
Thank you, girls, not only for showing that you are responsible for your actions but towards our planet! As I said before, I am sure you are growing up to be great women.
Happy Birthday Kateryna
Well-Being Session. Stay Safe Workshop. Pillar 4
Well-Being Tutorial 4th PIllar. Before and after Internet: How Things Changed.
This afternoon, over some strawberries and cream, we started discussing if they remembered their lives when they were very young before they could actually start playing with the internet.
I also talked about my experience and we had a nice chat that led to different discussions, like, What do you most like about the internet? What do you use most? What you don’t like? and If something bad happened to them related to the internet, bullying, shaming and etc.
I t was nice to see so many different points of view and freely discuss it 🙂 Here are some things for you to reflect on before and after the internet.
Taking resposibility.
I am proud to say that the girls took their responsibilities into their hands and went ahead with this recycling sorting task in the school.
Seeing you being responsible for the consequences of your actions and completing this task with great intention could not make me less happy.
I am sure you are growing up to be great ladies 🙂 Let’s go for a second round of helping hands tomorrow too, this time with music!