Juan Carlos offered this beautiful Mexican hat to the House. It will stay there as a sign of our spirit of internationalism at CDL.
Thank you! Y viva México!
We moved to Olympus. Concha will be closed since we are only two 🙁
You can follow us in Olympus blog: http://blogs.cdl.ch/olympus/
The last picture attached was taken during our last basketball match as a team. We only won two matches during the competition, however, victory in the competition was not our overall goal. It was a good learning experience for the boys, considering they are not basketball experts or regular basketball players. This activity helped them to develop many aspects and traits which are inline with our Boarding Wellbeing Program. These include Friendship, Sociability, Internationalism and Positive Role Models, to name a few. I am very proud of them as they kept playing until the end and they have learned that the most important aspect of teamwork is participating and having fun together, rather than the result.
I wanted to show my boys the reality of other children’s lives. I have noticed that at times they do not realise how lucky they are, or acknowledge the privileged position that they find themselves in. They complain about school, about not having enough free time, not having enough spending money to buy something or about school food. In order to give the students some perspective, I found this video which shows the lives of families working in gold mines. This is quite a powerful video and message, however, I hope this will help them to realise how many good things they have in their lives and for them to be more positive next time they have these thoughts and feelings. After we discussed the subject in detail before the boys went to bed.