February break

February break is here! Time to unwind, recharge, and indulge in some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Enjoy every moment, recharge your batteries, and return refreshed for what lies ahead!

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Building Bridges: The Heart of Global Citizenship

At our boarding house, nestled within a diverse community of individuals from various corners of the globe, we recently engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on what global citizenship truly means to us. The insights we gathered were as enlightening as they were inspiring.

Taking care of the world emerged as a cornerstone of our understanding. Beyond geographical boundaries, we recognized our shared responsibility to nurture and preserve our planet for future generations. Whether through sustainable practices or advocating for environmental stewardship, embracing global citizenship compels us to safeguard the precious resources of our Earth.

Internationalism resonated deeply within our dialogue, reflecting a commitment to fostering connections beyond national identities. We celebrated the richness of diversity, acknowledging that our differences serve as catalysts for growth and understanding. Through embracing internationalism, we cultivate empathy and forge bonds that transcend borders, bridging divides with compassion and curiosity.

Open-mindedness emerged as a guiding principle, essential for navigating the complexities of our interconnected world. As global citizens, we embrace diverse perspectives, challenging our own preconceptions and embracing the beauty of cultural exchange.

In the end we settled for this as our definition of global citizenship.

Lots of love,

Aida & Yewande

Love and Laughter: Valentine’s Day in Boarding

Valentine’s Day is often associated with romantic love, chocolates, and roses exchanged between partners. However, within the cozy confines of our boarding community, this day takes on a unique and heartwarming twist. Far from family and hometowns, boarding house residents come together to celebrate love in all its forms – friendship, camaraderie, and the bonds that make their shared space feel like home.

In the dining hall, dinner is a delightful affair. Tables are adorned with heart-shaped treats and roses. Residents exchange roses, cards and small gifts, expressing gratitude for the support and companionship they’ve found within these walls. Laughter and chatter fill the room as stories are shared and memories are made.

Valentine’s Day in boarding may not always involve grand gestures or extravagant displays of affection, but it’s a celebration nonetheless – a celebration of the love and friendship that make this place feel like home.

Lots of love,
Aida & Yewande


Embracing the Year of the Dragon πŸ‰

As we welcome the Lunar New Year, excitement fills the air with anticipation and joy. This vibrant celebration, also known as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, marks the beginning of a new lunar calendar and is observed by millions around the world. Families gather to honor age-old customs, from cleaning their homes to prepare for good fortune to savoring traditional dishes bursting with symbolic meaning.

The Year of the Dragon heralds a sense of renewal and optimism, as vibrant red decorations adorn doorways and lanterns light up the night sky. It’s a time for reflection, gratitude, and coming together with loved ones to embrace the promise of a fresh start.

I will leave you with the legend behind the red decorations.

Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande

Pillar 3 Wrap up!!!

Today, we wrapped up our exploration of the third pillar, which centers on cultivating positive relationships. We reflected on our progress and shared insights gained throughout our journey. Our discussion delved into the topic of microaggressions, and we explored feedback received. The girls and I thoroughly enjoyed preparing for and presenting this pillar. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and hope they found the experience rewarding.

Lots of Love,
Aida & Yewande