Bake off

Today we have had the first House Competition of this School year!

Our participation with Varya’s work and effort was on a very high level. Well done for this cake!!

Hobbies to de-stress

This week in our Wellbeing program, we have discussed ‘How can we use our hobbies to de-stress?’ 

The girls have talked about what help them to de-stress and how they use their hobbies to relax and keep their balance. We have identified our hobbies, which is the first step to afer use them as beneficial activities and positive form of relaxation or destressing.

Art, music, sport, crochet were some of the ideas we came up with.

Today’s session is linked with what we have been talking about these days:  ‘How can we identify personal stressors‘. The girls discussed the different things they associate with stress and how they deal with it. It was nice to learn from each others ways of dealing with stress.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Tonight we celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with moon. Each September, Chinese families gather to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. The moon’s roundness symbolizes harmony and prosperity, and the festival celebrates the harvest, often bringing together family members from near and far. This is an opportunity for cultural exchange which the girls have enjoyed this evening together in the House.

Wellbeing Pillar 1 – Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds

We are now entering the second week of the first Pillar of our wellbeing programme – Nurturing Healthy Bodies and Minds.

One of the takeaway points from this pillar is “How important is sleep?”. We find it a crucial topic for the students to explore when discovering how to take care of themselves and how they can maintain a healthy body and mind.

This week during our House Assembly we watchted the TED-Ed video “The benefits of a good night’s sleep” from Shai Marcu which has generated interesting discussion about this important topic.

For the next weeks we will keep discussing about our sleeping habits and how we can improve them.


Weekend in LY7

We have spend a nice weekend together, there was time to study, but also to have fun together. Some of the girls joined the Baking Club this weekend and we have had a movie night on Saturday. It is a great feeling spending time together!



Welcome Assembly

We are happy to see all of our students back and finally, we have had the opportunity to share a moment together and celebrate our first Assembly of the year. We proudly had Sophie on the stage sharing with the entire Boarding Community her Goals for the year.

For dinner, we have enjoyed our traditional Swiss welcome dinner. We are ready for the new School year!