Karen and Lisa’s birthday!

Last night’s double birthday celebration for Karen and Lisa was nothing short of magical.

The air was filled with laughter, warmth, and joy as Old Portena girls commemorate these two incredible souls.

The genuine happiness on Karen and Lisa’s faces as they blew out the candles on their joint birthday cake was a testament to the love and camaraderie that surrounded them.

It was an amazing moment of joy, a celebration that truly exemplified the beauty of shared happiness and the importance of celebrating life’s milestones together.


Weekend in Old Portena

After 2 consecutive ski weekends spent up in Leysin, it was back to the usual weekend routine on campus. The girls took part in their favourite activities like cooking and horse riding, and the trampoline park on Saturday. And on Sunday they went ice skating!

Meanwhile, Lisa, Liza and Mira ventured off to Rome with a great group of boarders and staff. While there they enjoyed the delicious food and sights Rome had to offer.

What a nice weekend the girls had!

Wellbeing Pillar 3: Toxic Friendships and Relationships

Yesterday evening was the last week of Wellbeing Pillar 3, and we focused on identifying the warning signs within relationships.

During our house meeting, the girls did a Kahoot in which they were presented with different scenarios that could occur amongst friends, and they had to decide whether they were red, yellow or green flags. By having this discussion, the girls were able to reflect on their own friendships and gain insights into potentially harmful dynamics.

Bonding muffins!

Today, we crafted a batch of “bonding muffins” as a collaborative effort among the Old Portena girls.

Together, they worked seamlessly as a team to bring forth these exquisite delights.

Take a moment to admire the results—aren’t they irresistibly delicious?


Wellbeing Pillar Week 3

In week 3 of our 3rd wellbeing pillar, we discuss with the girls about international friendships and addressing microaggressions.

International friendships enrich our lives by exposing us to diverse perspectives, cultures and traditions. These connections foster mutual understanding, breaking down barriers and promoting global harmony.

Despite the positive intentions behind international friendships, they can inadvertently lead to unintended microaggressions due to cultural differences and misunderstandings.​

It’s crucial to approach these relationships with open-mindedness, cultural sensitivity, and a willingness to learn to avoid unintentional microaggressions and foster genuine understanding.​

Microaggressions are subtle insults or unintentional discrimination typically directed at marginalised groups.

At one point or another, we all have said the wrong thing unintentionally as we go about our daily lives. It’s important that you address and correct the harm that you have caused.