⚠️ Warning: this post contains LOTS of pictures ⚠️
After waiting for weeks, the day finally arrived: the Winter Ball is here! 🥳
Yesterday was particularly busy. Although most of the kids had everything ready, some of them went to Geneva to buy last-minute clothes, get a meal with their friends to celebrate the end of the term before the ball itself or even to look for the perfect Secret Santa present (yes, we are doing Secret Santa but that is something we will deal with in upcoming posts…sorry I spoiled it 🤫).
Those who did not go to Geneva stayed in the house, getting enough rest or simply getting ready before everyone came back. All of them were wearing elegant black / navy suits, combined with matching (bow)ties and polished leather shoes or snow-white trainers. We have to admit everyone was punctual and we could make it on time to the bus.
After leaving school, we arrived at the Hilton Geneva Hotel, where the kids took pictures together, had an appetizer and incredible meal with House Parents and other children from different Boarding Houses and enjoyed a party with music they personally chose. Emir and Eduardo got the opportunity to be DJs for half of the night and people loved it! Some other students were congratulating them both on the amazing job they’d done.
Once it was all over, we spent some time chilling in the house living room and, as everyone felt a bit hungry, Mr Tarun prepared some noodles. All in all, a night to remember! 🤩

The Concha Gang ready for the night! 🤩

Arrived at the Hilton Hotel! 🇨🇭

You better not mess with these three! 😵💫

As I was saying, the Boarding experience is not only about connecting with the kids in our house, but also with the kids in other houses! 👏🏻

The Middle Schoolers were sitting on table 18 with Mr Tarun and Mr Víctor ⭐️

I also wanted to be in the picture! 🤪

Look at the Concha High School crew! 😱

Beautiful table decorations 🍽️🎄

What are these four up to? 🤔

Say cheeese! 🧀

Let’s state facts: we smashed the photo booth! (not literally) 📸

Say “pishloq” 🇺🇿🧀

Mr Víctor and Mr Stéphane wanted to prove they are cool too! 😎

I see some potential models here! 😮

These two get along really well! 🤓

Wish the third picture was bigger, it looks fun! 😂

Adrian and Gianni having fun with Laura Jane from Villa du Lac! 😁

Adrian and João had a blast at the party 🎊

Who are these fancy gentlemen?! 🧐

DJ Eduardo and DJ Emir will make you put your hands in the air! 🪩

Late night talks 🗣️

Noodles, made by Mr. Tarun, to go to bed with a full stomach! 😋