You Had Me At Lasagna

In the cozy glow of our Concha boarding house, a group of friends gathered around a large, steaming lasagna. Laughter filled the air as they shared stories, each cheesy bite bringing them closer together. The homemade lasagna, layered with love and laughter, became a symbol of their bond. Amidst exams and assignments, this simple meal was a comforting reminder of friendship and the joy of shared moments. In that warm living room they found a slice of happiness.

Swiss Dinner In The House

In the heart of Switzerland, our boarders gather for a culinary delight: beef sausage with Rösti. This quintessential Swiss dish combines savory sausages with crispy, golden Rösti – grated and fried potatoes. Amidst the aroma of sizzling sausages and the satisfying crunch of Rösti, camaraderie flourishes. It’s not just a meal; it’s a cultural experience. As they indulge in this flavorful tradition, students bond over the rich heritage and exquisite taste of Swiss cuisine, creating memories that will linger long after the last bite. And to add to the ambiance, Daniel played the piano while Nikita strummed the guitar.

The Bulgarian tradition of the Martenitsa

Today Kristian shared with us a tradition form his home country Bulgaria; Martenitsa.

In Bulgaria, the arrival of spring is celebrated with Martenitsa, a charming tradition steeped in folklore. These red and white adornments symbolize health and prosperity, worn from March 1st until the sighting of the first stork or blossoming tree. Martenitsa embodies renewal and hope, as Bulgarians exchange them with loved ones to usher in the season of rebirth. This delightful custom fosters community spirit and connects Bulgarians to their rich cultural heritage.

Kristian brought bracelets to everyone so he could share this tradition with all his housemates.

Adam & Bryan’s Geography Lego Project

Adam and Bryan had an assignment in their Geography class: Build the city of the future, based on renewable energy. Both boys chose a different approach. Adam chose to use Mr. Stéphan’s Lego Class Bricks and build a project from scratch. While Bryan went to Geneva and bought a gigantic Lego City set of a modern and ecological city.

Both of them had fun building it, and we wish them to get the best grade.

Repas indien à la maison / Indian dish at the House

Sur un campus recouvert d’un épais manteau de neige  les élèves Concha et Concha Annexe ont tissé des liens chaleureux autour d’un banquet indien exquis. Les arômes envoûtants de currys aux épices riches ont embaumé l’air, dansant avec les naans dorés et les saveurs de chutney sucré. Un festin coloré, symphonie gustative de l’Inde, où chaque plat était une invitation à explorer l’authenticité d’une culture riche, fusionnant délices et amitiés dans une expérience sensorielle inoubliable.

On a campus blanketed in a thick coat of snow, students from Concha and Concha Annex wove warm bonds around an exquisite Indian banquet. The captivating aromas of spice-laden curries filled the air, dancing alongside golden naans and the flavors of sweet chutney. A colorful feast, a gustatory symphony of India, where each dish was an invitation to explore the authenticity of a rich culture, blending delights and friendships into an unforgettable sensory experience.

Winter Ball evening

Last Saturday, the entire Boarding community attended the Winter Ball to celebrate the end of the first semester.

Everyone did their best to dress up like true gentlemen, as we try to instill in them at Concha Annexe.

Unfortunately, Adam, Nikita, and Mr. Manuel couldn’t join us for this great moment.