Hockey Match – Geneve Servette vs Berne

Excitement filled the air as a group of enthusiastic students eagerly attended a thrilling hockey match. Their faces lit up with anticipation as the players showcased impressive skills on the ice. Cheers and applause echoed through the arena, creating a vibrant atmosphere of camaraderie. The students, clad in team colors, immersed themselves in the exhilarating experience, creating lasting memories of a spirited and memorable hockey outing.

Lucky we had Adam with us, who plays for the Geneva Servette Hockey Team U15; he explained the rules and helped us find our way in the crowd of the huge stadium. We all hope to wear a Geneva Servette Hockey jersey with Adam’s name on it one day.


The Infinity Cake

In a sweet twist of creativity, students brought the Marvel universe to the kitchen in a baking competition. One standout creation was a cake inspired by the Avengers and adorned with edible replicas of the iconic Infinity Stones. As taste buds embarked on a heroic journey, the delicious spectacle proved that baking can be a true superpower.


A Finger-Lickin’ Birthday

Kristian celebrated his birthday at favorite fast food : ChicChicken  with friends, turning a simple fast-food hangout into a memorable bash.

Amid laughter and buckets of crispy chicken, the laid-back atmosphere and tasty treats made it a celebration to remember.

Who needs fancy venues when you’ve got good friends and finger-lickin’ food?

New House Representatives !!!

We are pleased to introduce our new House Representatives !!!

  • Bryan as the House Representative, he is our house voice in the Boarding communitiy
  • Bardia as our House Captain, he will lead the house in the competitions and différents in which we will take place.

Halloween Team Building

Each year, the boarding community organizes a pumpkin competition for Halloween.

This year, we were inspired by the Pixar movie “Coco” and opted for a 100% Mexican design.  After carving the pumpkin, the boys painted and decorated it. To add a touch of innovation, we installed pumpkin-style lights, a vlogging light, and a small speaker hidden in the hat that plays Halloween music.

Wish us good luck as this year the competition is though.

Bryan & Nick curving the pumpkin

Adam cutting the shapes of the eyes and the nose

Nikita & Bardia painting the Pumpkin

Kristian installing the light and the sound system


Les Activités du weekend / Weekend Activity

La pratique régulière du sport présente de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé physique et mentale.  Le sport aide à maintenir un poids corporel sain et réduit le risque de maladies chroniques telles que les maladies cardiaques, le diabète et l’obésité. De plus, il stimule la production d’endorphines, améliore l’humeur et réduit le stress, contribuant ainsi à une meilleure santé mentale. En pratiquant un sport, on développe également des compétences sociales, telles que le travail d’équipe et la communication. En somme, le sport est essentiel pour un mode de vie sain et équilibré.

Regular physical activity has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Exercise helps maintain a healthy body weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Additionally, it stimulates the production of endorphins, improves mood, and reduces stress, contributing to better mental health. Engaging in sports also develops social skills such as teamwork and communication. In summary, sports are essential for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


Hans Erni Exhibition

Hier Kristian, Bryan et Leon ont entrepris un voyage enrichissant dans le domaine artistique lors d’une récente exposition présentant les œuvres du célèbre peintre suisse, Hans Erni, qui est considéré comme le Picasso Suisse. Cette vitrine captivante a révélé la maîtrise d’Erni de la couleur, de la forme et du symbolisme, offrant une fenêtre unique sur son génie créatif. De ses portraits emblématiques aux compositions abstraites stimulantes, l’art d’Erni a transcendé les frontières et parlé à l’âme. La visite a été l’occasion pour les étudiants de constater comment l’art peut transcender la langue, véhiculant des émotions profondes et des messages stimulants. Elle a laissé une empreinte indélébile, inspirant des discussions et ravivant la flamme de la créativité parmi ces jeunes esprits.


Yesterday Kristian, Bryan & Leon embarked on an enriching journey into the artistic realm at a recent exhibition featuring the works of the renowned Swiss painter, Hans Erni, who’s considerate as the Swiss Picasso. This captivating showcase unveiled Erni’s mastery of color, form, and symbolism, offering a unique window into his creative genius. From his iconic portraits to thought-provoking abstract compositions, Erni’s art transcended boundaries and spoke to the soul. The visit was an opportunity for students to witness how art can transcend language, conveying deep emotions and thought-provoking messages. It left an indelible mark, inspiring discussions and igniting the flames of creativity among these young minds.