Showing Solidarity

On Friday 4th it was 4 months since the explosion which devastated the lives of so many people in Lebanon. As we have a Lebanon community within boarding we wanted to show our respect and remembrance of this occasion. The students from Lebanon created the ‘Light for Hope’ event which was then embraced by the boarding community on Friday evening.

Wellbeing- Pillar 2- Non-Violent Communication

We are reaching the end of Pillar 2- Respecting Diversity and Protecting Against Bullying. 

Part of our program for this Pillar included a presentation by Ms Jody on Non-Violent Communication. This is about being conscious of how our language and communication can influence other people. It helps us think more empathetically about others and thus improves our relationships.

When we become conscious of how our communication skills impact others, we can see this from both the negative and positive. We can see how the words we use can either be for good or bad. If we can train ourselves to take accountability for or own actions and communication then we can avoid conflicts and help to inspire others.


FOR SALE – Bird house going cheep!


Shintaro offered to use his wood-crafting activity to help the birds that live on the Léman One terrace by providing a very well made nest box. It didn’t require any owlgebra or a crow-bar, but to put it up we might require a crane and receive a very big bill.

Baking up a Snowy Storm

This weekend seen us compete in another House Competition. This is a great way for us to show our House Spirit and what we can accomplish as a team. Iman took the lead this year is baking our entry. He did an amazing job and we hope our cake does well.

We hope you enjoy a bite,

Of our winter snowy delight.


Biking to Bâtie


Shintaro and Luther joined the cycling activity this Saturday. Highlights of the ride included clear blue skies, spotting the local herd of reindeer, and cycling through the Cabane des Bûcherons park.

Spirit Week

This past week we celebrated ‘Spirit’ from our school motto and each section of the school did a project to demonstrate their Community Spirit. Within the Boarding Community we aligned this with our Wellbeing Pillar 2- Promoting Diversity and Protecting Against Bullying. We believe we have a strong bond as a Boarding Community and that together with the diversity among us we bridge cultures to come together and show our community spirit. To demonstrate this we created a video.

Weekend Activities

This weekend we again had a multitude of different activities available to the Boarders. This included tennis, horse riding, badminton, table tennis, zumba, photography, boot camp, biking, woodcraft, yoga and fashion club.

While the student’s opportunity to go off-campus is limited we, therefore, promote and encourage them to get as active as they can on campus. Staying fit and healthy is important for our wellbeing as we continue to act on the lessons from the Wellbeing Pillar 1

Sunday Brunch

As we continue to think about our healthy diet, let us share with you our food options for Sunday Brunch.

This is always something to look forward to and a meal that is enjoyed by all. There is a huge variety to satisfy all.

House Competition – Pumpkin Carving

As part of our House Competitions which aim at building House and Community Spirit we had our traditional pumpkin carving competition. The boys did excellent with their creation (with ALOT of help from Mr George), but we are proud to say that we came 1st!

How does it work?

Many people are familiar with the STEM acronym (Science Technology Engineering and Maths), but fewer are familiar of the more recent STEAM acronym which also includes the Arts. With the addition of Art, typical STEM projects can be made fun and more engaging to all students while encouraging imagination and creativity which before was typically limited.

This Halloween presented the perfect opportunity to demonstrate how art plays such a fundamental role in STEAM by creating a spooky Arduino pumpkin project. Arduino is a highly versatile and open source mechatronics platform that many schools with STEAM being a fundamental part of their curriculum have adopted. It was used in this pumpkin project to control the ghostly sequence of opening and closing of the jaw and activation of the lantern and eye lights in response to inputs from the ultrasonic distance sensor installed in the nose of the pumpkin.