Léman One Sporting Victories

Léman One played Concha House twice this week and emerged victorious in both fixtures with a result of 6-2 in football and 37-25 in basketball. The end of this week concludes our first wellbeing pillar of healthy bodies and minds so it has been great to have seen so much participation and enjoyment in these games.


Movie Night

This Thursday we will be hosting a Movie Night for the students. Our first movie night will be The Social Dilemma.

‘Set in the dark underbelly of Silicon Valley, The Social Dilemma fuses investigative documentary with enlightening narrative drama. Expert testimony from tech whistle-blowers exposes our disturbing predicament: the services Big Tech provides-search engines, networks, instant information, etc.-are merely the candy that lures us to bite. Once we’re hooked and coming back for more, the real commodity they sell is their prowess to influence and manipulate us’ (IMDB.com)

Weekend Activities

We had another fun-filled weekend of activities on offer. This weekend included Tennis, Crossfit, Horseriding, Hip-Hop, Volleyball, Climbing, Biking, Golf and a day trip to Montreux.

The Leman boys represented well again.


Wellbeing Pillar 1 – Community Project

We launched our Community project two weeks ago and the boys have been working incredibly hard to do their extra steps! As a reminder, we committed to walking an additional 1,000,000 steps over and above what we normally do in the day. This works out to be an additional 16km each, that we all have to walk.

This is part of us all trying to improve our exercise and recognising the benefits of doing so. It also highlights to the boys that walking 16km is the equivalent to burning 500 – 700 calories. And there are 500 calories are in a Big Mac which equals a lot of walking just to burn that off.

In addition, we promoted our community links by fundraising for ESCA to raise money for their Cancer Support initiatives in Geneva. You can help us support this great charity and give the students an extra purpose to do their steps.

Wellbeing Pillar 1- Emotional Wellbeing

As part of our Wellbeing Programme, we are covering the topics of Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise and Emotional Wellbeing. Our aim is to cover these topics within the House in our weekly meetings. However, for Emotional Regulation we had Jody our Boarding Counsellor lead us in a Workshop. This helped us to reflect on stress points and triggers in our lives and to identify what kind of response we have to this.

Watch my shin

The weather stayed fine for our boys at golf this afternoon as Shintaro practised his chip shot. Henry got to grips with the new clubs and Zihao improved his driving shot with a putting iron.

Community Project

We are very pleased to share with you the Leman community project of the first Wellbeing Pillar.

The first Wellbeing Pillar of the year is Healthy Body and Healthy minds. As part of this, the students must do an individual project and also a community one.

We have committed as a House to walking an extra 1,000,000 steps. This works out at an additional 16km each. These steps must be over and above the student’s normal daily steps.

We have also added an external community element to this by linking with a local Cancer Charity ESCA who did a similar event in which they challenged supporters to walk 55,000,000 steps the equivalent to going around the world. If you would like to donate please visit our Page on their site

Strength in Numbers- Sports Day

This Sunday we had our annual Sports Day. This is part of our House Competition activities. We were paired against the Olympus Boarding House who put in a sterling effort. We were competing in basketball, badminton, soccer and tug of war. Unfortunately, our boys only came to victory in the Tug of War.

Making waves at the Lake

This Saturday morning we made good use of the lake. We are privileged that the lake is only a short walk from the school and that we can avail of the many water-based activities on offer. This weekend we had the water Donut and kayaking available. The students also enjoy walking down there over the weekend to just enjoy the beauty of the beach or paddle their toes in the water.

A Smashing time at Tennis

Tennis continues to prove to be one of our most popular Weekend Activities. Tennis Coach Martin always has full courts for each of his Saturday morning sessions. The activity is open to all abilities with Martin coaching those in need and pairing up those who want a good game against each other. The Leman boys represent well on the tennis court each weekend.

tennis tennis court

International Dinner

This week we had a wonderful offering from Hawaii. It was a very refreshing Hawaiian Salad with choice of meat or fish to accompany. This is traditionally called a Poke Bowl and it really awakens the taste buds with a range of different flavours.

Don’t forget you can follow the meals offered in the Boarding Dining Hall with our Dining at CDL Blog

Discover Geneva

On Sunday we invited all the new students on a tour of Geneva. This allowed them to get to know the different areas of Geneva for when they have the freedom to explore the city with their friends in the coming weeks. They saw all the main highlights and tourist attractions. They left the school and walked into the local town of Versoix where they boarded the boat to Geneva. Unfortunately, the weather was not accommodating but it didn’t stop the students from getting to know each other and Geneva better.


Photography with Karim

On Saturday Karim took part in the photography activity. His inspiration was littering and upon finding a plastic carton used it in various scenarios to see which would look best. As part of our Community Service we often do Litter picking. We can therefore use Karim’s photos to show some of the effects of littering.