Author Archives: lbroux
Friends become our chosen Family
During our weekly housemeeting we introduced the next wellbeing pillar: Building Positive Friendships
We concentrated on the questions:
- How does the boarding house support and encourage international friendships, give examples
- What advice would you give future students coming into an international school environment
- Can you think of some examples of famous international friendships?
- Self-Reflection – Do you embrace the international community, or do you prefer the convenience of building friendships within your own culture and language?
By the end of the pillar we want to find an answer on the take-away point: What are the benefits of an international friendship? 👬
A first reflection provided us with the following answers.
– We learn about differences in culture and how other nationalities perceive things that are for one considered ‘normal’ but are not for others. This opens very interesting discussions and broadens our view. It occurs as well that we encounter funny situations because of this!
-Being able to travel all over the world and know people anywhere
Afterwards, we discussed what we will be doing as a house project. We came up with some fun ideas that we will put into practice for next week! So keep an eye out on our blog 🤩
For those who want to see the video that we watched together:
Of course, there are no International friendships without international dinners. For this week we had a Chinese caterer!
Weekend Goals 🧡
Our first normal weekend back in Boarding.
And it was one with a lot of laughter, fun and activities!
On Saturday Morning, Polina, Dasha, Kate, Kseniia, Beatriz and Sakura went for a cooking class.
They made a delicious Couscous with chicken meatballs 🐔
Afterwards most of the girls went to Geneva, only a few decided to stay in the house and to relax.
Beatriz took some time to do her laundry – Look how enthusiastically she is ironing!
On Sunday it is time for Brunch!
Afterwards, Beatriz went to bodyshaping and Lisa to the music club. 🎶
We finally could welcome Parisa back into the house! Now we are complete again 🤗
The girls had some friends over in the house and spend a lovely time together!
Belize International Dinner
Boarding assembly and well-being pillar 3: Building Positive Friendships
During our first Boarding Assembly in 2023 we launched The Third Pillar of our Well-being Program: Building Positive Friendships.
Being in an International boarding school gives the students many opportunities to form deep and strong connections with other students from all over the world.
This brings many challenges but mostly also a lot of benefits and great experiences!
The upcoming weeks we will dive deeper into this pillar and work on several projects.

Launch of the Pillar

Our girls are already making friends with students from other houses!
Welcome Back!
Happy Holidays
WATU Winterconcert and Parisa Performing
This evening we attended together the WATU Winterconcert.
A musical and festive eve whereby the school choir perform various songs for Charity.
We got to listen to students playing the piano, watched them dance but the highlight of the evening for us was for sure…
Her voice made everyone quiet and it is just breathtaking to hear and see her light up on the stage.
We are incredibly proud!!!! Enjoy the night with us again through some videos and pictures:
⭐ Boarding Award Ceremony ⭐
We want to start with saying that all of our girls should have deserved a medal.
Our first semester with them has been wonderful and we could see them bloom throughout the weeks.
Some strong bounds have been formed, a lot of laughter shared and amazing memories made!
This evening during the assembly we congratulated from every house students who were outstanding in living the RISE-values and integrating into the boarding life. As well the students who participate in many activities and get the most out of their experience.
We selected Polina and Regina as representatives for our house. Congratulations ladies!
Karaoke Monday 🎤
No Monday blues in our house!
Regina, Sakura and Parisa decided to have a little party in their room and to sing along with a bunch of songs.
We love this enthusiastic and positive energy!
We let you judge about their voices though 😉