Louis Degallier are giving a bit back this year!!!!

This year Louis Degallier has decided to try and give a little back to this beautiful area and close community that both the school and the boarding house belong to. So on Sunday morning Vlad, Casper and Henrique went out for 2 hours and Picked up litter in the surrounding area.

They cleaned up 3 rest areas. picking up litter and cigarette ends, making it a nicer place for our neighbours to take in the Jura mountains

There was some house bonding over during the activity.

teamwork was vital in at points.


Max was no help whatsoever……. He just took a bath


We even Found some hidden artwork on or travels


After cleaning the woods, streets and benches around the house and the school the boys were rewarded with that feeling of satisfaction, that they have put a little back into the community we live…….. But they also they got a Nice Big Chocolate Magnum.

Saturday…. The sun was out, so time for a Bike ride!!

Casper, Jorge and Anjie join some of the other boys for a morning of mountain biking around Versoix in the beautiful Swiss countryside.

Casper was enjoying the Sun……. he did ask if we could find some roads without bumps though!!!! Luckily in switzerland that isn’t a problem

Jorge say he loves to mountain bike in Mexico, and he loving the mountain bike tacks in the woods near the school

It was thirsty work, so the boy stop for some Fresh Swiss Spring water

Weekend activities at College du Léman

Our students have experienced a variety of activities during this weekend. They had also the chance to rest and spend time with their friends.

Yohei practicing his swing at the Golf Club

Jorge and his colleagues ready to jump on the boat

Jorge trying some air timing during the wake board session.

Henrique and his “galera” baking their always delicious cheese bread.

Anjie and his group during the bike tour of Saturday morning

Anjie and his colleagues having a break before the resume of the tour.